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A Virtual Learning World for Tweens to Experience Possible Selves (ME GAMES)


Research, Evaluation and Social Solutions, Inc. (REESSI)

26 Office Park Drive P.O. Box 1137
Kilmarnock, VA, 22482

Award Year: 2016


HUBZone Owned: No

Woman Owned: Yes

Socially and Economically Disadvantaged: Yes

Congressional District: 1

Tagged as:


Phase II

Seal of the Agency: HHS

Awarding Agency


Branch: NIH

Total Award Amount: $1,433,289

Contract Number: 2R44MD008582-02

Agency Tracking Number: R44MD008582

Solicitation Topic Code: 102

Solicitation Number: PA15-269


DESCRIPTIONprovided by applicantThe word adolescence derives from the Latin word "adolescere"meaning"to grow up"Adolescence is a crucial period of transition between childhood and legal adulthoodwith individuals following more uncertain and complex paths based on genderraceethnicitysocial classand geographyThe passage to adulthood revolves around a complex web of factorswhich include socialsocioeconomicand cultural contextsResearch studies have established that growing up in under resourced environmentse gpovertylow incomegeographical isolationfragile family structurescan seriously threaten a teen s successful passage to adulthoodEducation has become a primary source of social stratificationdividing the haves and the have notsAs a resultdropping out of high school pretty much consigns individuals to a life of permanent povertyand having only a high school degree offers career options that rarely pay a livable wageYoung people from low income families are considerably less likely than their higher income peers to move successfully through schooland more likely to drop outmaking it much more difficult for them to earn familysustaining wagesIt is not that these youth devalue academic success and attainmentbut rather they gradually may begin to see academic success as impossible even though it is still valuedPossible identities reflect how individuals think about their potential and their futreAdolescents living in under resourced environments rarely have the opportunities or means to reflect on and consider their future goalsdreamsthreatsfears and assetsHencean intervention focusing on these elements is necessaryAfterschool programs are an excellent location for these interventions because they provide a safe context for development of identitiesas well as interpretations of difficulties and strategies that can be used to attain positive possible selvesThis Phase II project completes the full development of ME GAMES tma digital media intervention focused on early adolescentsagesin afterschool settingsME GAMES tmwill be part of a virtual worldAfterschool Virtually renvironment that serves as a scaffold for multiple theory based EdugamesMy World of DreamsThe Valley of OthersDisappointments Bridge and The Sea of Hopeand structured on line and off line activities linked to themThe goal of ME GAMES tmis to support early adolescentssuccessful transition to adulthood by increasing their academic engagementmotivationand performance through digital learning activities that make the future feel close and connected to the presentpromote a productive interpretation of experienced difficulties and create a link between possible selves and current actionUsing a virtual world with different Edugamesnot only creates a feasible and scalable alternative to a totally face to face interventionit also offers an appealing space n its own rightespecially for early adolescentsagedAlmost alladolescents currently go online daily and nearly three in fourplay gamesregardless of the socioeconomic statusageraceor genderThis product will be subscription based and licensed to afterschool programs for use as an adjunct to other services and activities they provideIn this Phase II projectREESSI proposes to continue the research and development activities of the successful Phase I studybased on the outcomes and lessons learnedThe setting for implementation and evaluation will belocal Boys and Girls Clubs in the United StatesThe REESSI team will complete the Phase II tasks utilizing the foundation of five key aimsDevelop the final After School Virtually rvirtual world based on the Phase I paper version of this worldThis world includes seven componentsthe orientation theatrethe gamesAima site for structured reflections after each gamea site for structured chats after each gameapproved personal pagesprogram newsroomprogram neighborhoods and a parentsplaceRefine and complete the final versions of all four EdugamesMy World of DreamsThe Valley of OthersDisappointments Bridge and Sea of HopeRefine and complete the post game face to face structured activities based on their Phase I developmentThere are two elementsstructured discussions with a supportive adult in the participant s life and structured group discussions with a designated program staff memberBeta Test each of the elements of the virtual world and the face to face activities at two Boys and Girls Club sites and after the outcomes study conduct cognitive interviews with a sample of study participants to understand what elements of the virtual world and Edugames caused the most impact andConduct a randomized controlled trialRCTto test the effects of the full interventionwhich includes the virtual worldEdugames and the face to face activitiesThe RCT will assess the effect of participation on the theoretical process model of changeidentity based motivationformerly possible selvesand test the effect of participation on change in academic outcomesschool gradesattendance from school recordsand selfreported engagement and time spent on homeworkREESSI will engage and strategically manage a transdisciplinary team of seasoned experts that includes developmental psychologists behavioral researchersresearch assistantsa statisticianyouth development expertsintervention and curriculum developerscreative and technical writers and gaming digital media experts

Award Schedule

  1. 2015
    Solicitation Year

  2. 2016
    Award Year

  3. April 12, 2016
    Award Start Date

  4. October 31, 2019
    Award End Date

Principal Investigator

Phone: (804) 724-0017
Email: lmcarter@reessi.com

Business Contact

Phone: (703) 313-4934
Email: lwcarter@reessi.com

Research Institution

Name: N/A