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NanoTritium Betavolatic Power Systems - TACFI



12217 SW 131ST AVE
MIAMI, FL, 33186-6401

Award Year: 2023


HUBZone Owned: No

Woman Owned: No

Socially and Economically Disadvantaged: No

Congressional District: 26

Tagged as:


Phase II

Seal of the Agency: DOD

Awarding Agency


Branch: USAF

Total Award Amount: $376,250

Contract Number: FA9453-23-C-X003

Agency Tracking Number: FX201-CSO1-0809

Solicitation Topic Code: J201-CSO1

Solicitation Number: X20.1


In summary, the effort will improve City Labs’ tritium power source to provide long-term power for small space satellites. The stacking methodology for robust assembly of devices with multiple layers of metal hydride and semiconductor material will be enhanced in this project. The effort will also result in an adequate helium diffusion mechanism in the electronic package which will enable the use of higher amounts of tritium in the power source devices. City Labs is the only licensed manufacturer of betavoltaic power sources which carries a General License allowing distribution to anyone in the United States without requiring the recipient to possess a radiation license. The proposed tritium betavoltaic power source will meet the AF customers’ requirement for an ultra-small, temperature resilient, continuous 5-10 year power capability.

Award Schedule

  1. 2020
    Solicitation Year

  2. 2023
    Award Year

  3. September 15, 2023
    Award Start Date

  4. December 22, 2025
    Award End Date

Principal Investigator

Name: Dr. Peter Cabauy
Phone: (305) 909-7593
Email: peter.cabauy@citylabs.net

Business Contact

Name: Dr. Peter Cabauy
Phone: (305) 909-7593
Email: peter.cabauy@citylabs.net

Research Institution

Name: N/A