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EL TORO, CA, 92610-2811

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Number of Employees: 133

HUBZone Owned: No

Woman Owned: No

Socially and Economically Disadvantaged: No

SBIR/STTR Involvement

Year of first award: 2010


Phase I Awards


Phase II Awards


Conversion Rate


Phase I Dollars


Phase II Dollars


Total Awarded


Up to 10 of the most recent awards are being displayed. To view all of this company's awards, visit the Award Data search page.

Seal of the Agency: DOD

HEADS (High-Rate Event-Based Attitude Determination System)

Amount: $149,918   Topic: AF222-0010

There is a need for low cost, low SWAP, high accuracy, continuous attitude determination for space vehicles. HEADS will enable the by utilizing COTS event cameras and ExoAnalytic Solutions, Inc.’s extensive experience. In Phase I, HEADS will determine the feasibility of an event-based star tracker. HEADS will address the need for attitude determination solutions in by leveraging the tracking and star registration experience of ExoAnalytic Solutions, Inc. and the unique capabilities of event cameras.

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Phase I




Seal of the Agency: DOD

Radio Frequency and Infrared Dual-Mode Seeker (RAIDS)

Amount: $139,925   Topic: N232-088

Different classes of Naval weapon systems have historically employed either radiofrequency (RF) or infrared (IR) seekers for target acquisition and tracking, with IR seekers typically being employed on shorter-range weapon systems and RF seekers on longer range weapons. As technical and tactical countermeasures are developed and employed, missile seeker systems must be responsive to remain effective. A dual-mode seeker taking advantage of both IR and passive RF phenomenology will have the benefits of both techniques while ideally remaining robust against single phenomenology countermeasures.  In the RAIDS effort, ExoAnalytic Solutions (Exo) together with Technology Service Corporation (TSC) will take advantage of previous work experience in IR imaging and passive RF sensors and seekers to create a design of a new seeker system that will use the benefits of both phenomenology to close kill chains. Our team will use Exo’s existing experience in EO/IR image processing, and TSC’s experience in RF signal processing, to design an architecture that will process both IR and RF data. RF target detections and IR detections will be converted into target tracks to form an integrated track picture. The IR images will be used to estimate object position with sub-pixel precision.  Exo has fielded, in the area of space domain awareness, a worldwide EO sensor network, and has many years of experience processing EO imagery in visible and multiple IR bands. With the help of TSC’s extensive experience with rapid development, integration, and test of RF sensors on a variety of platforms including, GMLR, AI3, Stinger, 40mm grenades, and lethal UAS, our team will design and develop a dual mode seeker that utilizes the benefits of both passive RF and IR sensors.

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Phase I




Seal of the Agency: DOD

Rapid Anomaly Detection in Images of Unresolved Space Objects (RADIUS)

Amount: $149,996   Topic: SF224-0001

In the RADIUS effort, ExoAnalytic Solutions (‘Exo’) will take advantage of our previous work in identification of anomalies in imagery. The ExoAnalytic Global Telescope Network (EGTN) is a global network of over 300 telescopes that operate 24/7, collectin

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Phase I




Seal of the Agency: DOD

GALLEON: Global Anomaly Logging Low Earth Observation Network

Amount: $750,000   Topic: AF211-CSO1

There is an acute need for low cost, high accuracy, timely SDA in the LEO domain with future mega-constellation deployments. The Global Anomaly Logging Low Earth Observation Network (GALLEON) concept will aid in the persistent observation and anomaly dete

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Phase II




Seal of the Agency: DOD

Target Recognition and Acquisition in Complex Environments (TRACE)

Amount: $236,165   Topic: HQ085021S0001-07

Our adversaries have evolved beyond conventional ballistic missile systems to developing and deploying advanced systems that travel long ranges at hypersonic velocities with the capability to maneuver to avoid detection from terrestrial-based sensor systems. These advanced threats were developed specifically to counter terrestrial sensors, making birth-to-death tracking extremely difficult due to limitations of available operational locations creating known coverage gaps. These coverage gaps can be exploited by hypersonic, maneuvering threat targets. The sensor track coverage problem can be addressed with space-based sensors. Given enough space vehicles with tracking sensors, birth-to-death tracking is feasible. However, there are technical challenges to achieve the required performance. One of the more difficult challenges is accurately tracking and classifying multiple closely spaced targets in a complex environment. Emerging signal chain processing algorithms will support meeting mission and system performance requirements. The algorithms will enable recognizing and discriminating fast moving, maneuverable targets from decoys and clutter in complex scenes that overhead persistent infrared (OPIR) sensors capture from space. ExoAnalytic Solutions, along with L3Harris, propose to demonstrate low-latency acquisition and tracking of highly maneuverable targets in complex environments.  Our robust modeling and simulation framework, along with algorithms previously developed under HBTSS and other space and missile defense programs, provides the basis for design of an open framework algorithm architecture in which algorithms for target recognition, acquisition, and tracking will be tested.

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Phase I




Seal of the Agency: DOD

Ground-based Object Localization at Long Distances (GOLLD)

Amount: $750,000   Topic: J201-CSO1

The GOLLD (Ground-based Object Localization at Long Distances) Phase II effort will build on our successful demonstration in Phase I to further develop the technology needed to provide space domain awareness (SDA) for distant man-made objects. The US DoD

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Phase II




Seal of the Agency: DOD

Statically Aligned Far Field Radio Observation Network

Amount: $49,960   Topic: AF203-CSO2

A need exists for low-cost, high-accuracy, timely Space Domain Awareness (SDA) for both the Air Force (AF) and commercial providers. Optical sensors are limited by the Sun, creating detection gaps of up to 8 hours every day. Passive radio frequency (RF) sensors circumvent this without using costly active radar. The SAFFRON (Statically Aligned Far Field Radio Observation Network) concept is a passive RF fence melded with optical sensors to maintain unbroken watch, fusing RF measurements with optical tracks to provide all-hours persistent SDA. 

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Phase I




Seal of the Agency: DOD

GALLEON - Global Anomaly Logging Low Earth Observation Network

Amount: $49,957   Topic: AF211-CSO1

There is an acute need for low cost, high accuracy, timely SDA in the LEO domain with future mega-constellation deployments. GALLEON will aid in the persistent observation and anomaly detection of these new objects. GALLEON will allow low-cost high-availability LEO SDA via COTS optical hardware and commercially available computers and software. In Phase I, GALLEON will determine the most suitable hardware and software configuration for an optical LEO tracking site alongside determining the most fitting way to demonstrate the technology for Phase II. GALLEON’s data will be useful to both government and commercial customers. The commercial solution will primarily focus on initial tracking post-deployment, debris and collision avoidance, whereas the government solution will be focused on anomaly detection and persistence. ExoAnalytic Solutions, with more than a decade of experience in commercial SDA and a global network of over 300 telescopes, is uniquely qualified to develop, deploy, and commercialize this technology globally.

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Phase I




Seal of the Agency: DOD

192-001P2 Air Force Space Pitch Day

Amount: $751,450   Topic: AF183-005

There is an acute need for low cost, high accuracy, timely SSA for both the United States Air Force and commercial customers. The ExoAnalytic Global Telescope Network (EGTN) is currently comprised of over 300 optical telescopes used to maintain state accuracy of geostationary objects. Optical telescopes are constrained by the relative position of the Sun, which leads to gaps in the custody of space objects during the day. The addition of EAVESDROP Passive RF Time Delay of Arrival (TDOA) and Phase Difference of Arrival (PDOA) sensors provides a reliable, highly accurate, low-cost, low-maintenance solution to close gaps by providing 24/7 detections. Additionally, passive RF systems can detect changes in transmission frequencies, which enhances the tipping and cueing of the optical telescopes in the network, maintaining custody and situational awareness of high interest objects without the need for high cost ground-based radar systems.

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Phase II




Seal of the Agency: DOD

Ground-based Object Localization at Long Distances

Amount: $49,997   Topic: J201-CSO1

In this effort titled ‘Ground-based Object Localization at Long Distances,’ ExoAnalytic Solutions proposes to use our existing sensor and data processing technology to detect and track man-made objects beyond geosynchronous orbit (GEO), in cislunar space, and to quantify the performance that can be achieved with our COTS-based systems at these ranges. As increasing numbers of actors, both domestic and international, enter the realm of space operations, the region of space beyond geosynchronous orbit – the region sometimes referred to as cislunar space, to denote that it extends from GEO to the orbit of Luna and beyond – will be an operating area for an increasing number of actors, not all of which are benign. The challenge is to provide a Space Domain Awareness (SDA) picture which includes these objects, at a cost and scale which is manageable. Under the HARRIER program, Exo has demonstrated the ability to improve minimum detectable visual magnitude (V-mag) by co-adding frames from multiple co-located small telescopes – enabling autonomous detection and tracking of very dim objects near GEO. This suggests that for tracking objects in cislunar space, ground-based telescopes can make a substantial contribution, if coupled with appropriate investments in detection and tracking algorithms. In this effort, ExoAnalytic will identify a set of suitable targets, conduct a collection campaign with our HARRIER sensor, and perform analysis of the collected data. ExoAnalytic brings our experience developing the multi-frame and multi-sensor image stacking algorithm, and our experience tracking HEO and super-GEO objects such as the recently launched Mission Extension Vehicle (MEV-1). We anticipate the commercialization of this service for potential customers in the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community as the United States seeks to protect its space assets from threats in GEO and beyond, as well as for potential civil government or commercial customers as NASA returns humans to Lunar space and private entities begin to deliver payloads to the Moon.

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Phase I