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Portfolio Data

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BRIDGEWATER, NJ, 08807-2380


Number of Employees: 8

HUBZone Owned: No

Woman Owned: No

Socially and Economically Disadvantaged: No

SBIR/STTR Involvement

Year of first award: 2016


Phase I Awards


Phase II Awards


Conversion Rate


Phase I Dollars


Phase II Dollars


Total Awarded


Up to 10 of the most recent awards are being displayed. To view all of this company's awards, visit the Award Data search page.

Seal of the Agency: NSF

STTR Phase I:Video Transmission Through Underwater Wireless Links

Amount: $255,979   Topic: W

The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I project is the enabling capabilities in applications that call for both in-air and underwater operations. The aerial-underwater drones are the first drones that can fly in air, swim in water, and transition swiftly between air and water. This project aims to equip the drones with video transmission capabilities through underwater acoustic communication so that the drone need not be tethered to operate underwater. With the enabling capabilities, the drone is useful in critical infrastructure mapping, coastal environment monitoring, emergency response, coastal surveillance, and search and rescue operations.The underwater video transmission technology can also be applied to other platforms to extend underwater wireless and mobile internet.The capability, in turn, has the potential to enable Internet of Underwater Things. The commercial potential of the project addresses the pain points of the existing products:the low data rate and large form factor.The enhanced drone will enable the hybrid vehicle to create a new market that is unserved by either Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) or Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs).This Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I project will design and prototype a small form factor acoustic communication system for aerial-underwater drones enabling them to achieve high data-rate video transmission over underwater wireless links. The intellectual merits of the proposed acoustic communication system include: 1) real-time hardware implementation of a novel MIMO (multiple-input-multiple-output) transmitter on an embedded GPU (Graphic Processing Unit) such that the system can be powered by battery and be fit in a small water-proof container, 2) real-time hardware implementation of a Turbo equalization receiver on an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) platform to combat the huge Doppler spread and long multipath echoes of acoustic channels, 3) video transmission by a high information data rate of more than 300 kbps over underwater acoustic links, and 4) integration of the small form factor acoustic transmitter with the aerial-underwater drones without interfering with the operation of the drones.This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.

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Phase I



Seal of the Agency: DOD

Non-DoD Placeholder - Multiple UAV Launch, Recovery, and Storage Module for Deployment at Sea

Amount: $1,099,663   Topic: N193-D02

SubUAS LLC will employ JMIC Docking Modules capable of coordinating multiple UAV assets of different footprints and native protocols using UAV Universal Docking Modules with simplicity and robustness.

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Phase II




Seal of the Agency: DOD

A Multi-Faceted Riverine Surveillance System

Amount: $111,464   Topic: A20-060

The SubUAS team offers a multi-faceted riverine surveillance system that will quickly and precisely identify and geographically locate small objects in riverine environments, using a variety of sensor technologies for above and below water detection.  The system will include the following: Operational SubUAS Naviator amphibious drone platforms; commercial, off-the shelf sensors including but not limited to long wavelength infrared (IR) cameras and Doppler radar sensors; and proven, edge-based auto-adaptive sensor processing tools intended to operate without access to cloud computing. The detection system will include the following component A shore-powered, elevated sensor array will be housed on a tethered, hovering Naviator platform.  The array will include a combined infrared and three-color (IR/RGB) camera and Doppler radar, which will continuously monitor the river surface and visible subsurface for small objects.  The array will be configurable to sense targets like swimmers and diver bubbles as well as unexpected debris or turbulence.  The hovering Naviator will be powered through its tether by a land-based generator or power supply cable for persistent surveillance.  The hovering Naviator will send sensor data to a ground-based surveillance operations center (SOC) via the tether.  The Naviator platform will be configurable to house other sensors, most notably marine lidar that may produce more precise detections under lower visibility conditions. A shore-powered underwater sensor array may be housed on a tethered undersea Naviator platform.  The array may include active scanning sonar designed to reflect swimmers and other underwater objects on the surface. The underwater surveillance Naviator may be powered through its tether by a land-based generator or power supply cable for persistent surveillance.  The underwater Naviator may send sensor data to the SOC using either a network cable directly via the tether.  The underwater Naviator platform may be configurable to house other sensors like passive sonar designed to hear unexpected sounds coming from divers or undersea vehicles as well as lidar and other sensors that may produce more precise detections of target objects. A mobile Naviator will be configurable to take close looks at suspected targets above, on or below the surface.  Its sensors will include an IR/RGB camera and lighting.  The mobile Naviator platform will be configurable to house other sensors that may produce more precise detections under lower visibility conditions. A shore-based and shore-powered surveillance operations center (SOC) will receive and display sensor imagery; house auto-adaptive event detection processors, produce displays that automatically highlight likely targets; and enable the SOC operator to deploy and control the mobile Naviator.

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Phase I




Seal of the Agency: DOD

Multirotor Unmanned Air / Underwater Vehicle for Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) and Mine Countermeasures (MCM)

Amount: $999,915   Topic: N16A-T025

Team SubUAS, the STTR partnership between SubUAS LLC and Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, have developed the first drone to operate seamlessly between air, surface and water mediums. On this proposed effort, our multirotor unmanned aerial/underwater vehicle (MUA/UV) will be scaled to carry a payload of 10-30 pounds. Team SubUAS will build, test and develop simulated concept of operations pertinent to the Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) and Mine Countermeasure (MCM) communities. Team SubUAS will investigate HUA/UVs operating under tethered control, hybrid Radio Frequency (RF) tethered operations and fully autonomous operations. At the end of Phase II, Team SubUAS will perform the following sequence take off, land in water and image an underwater target at depths of 5-40ft in the water column, and resume flight in air. We will repeat this sequence up to 10 times before returning to the initial site of launch. During the Option period, Team SubUAS will continue to refine our MUA/UV through testing and lessons learned in varied, real-world environments and increase operational safety using data-driven decisions.

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Phase II




Seal of the Agency: DOD

Hybrid Unmanned Air / Underwater Vehicle for Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) and Mine Countermeasures (MCM)

Amount: $79,998   Topic: N16A-T025

Prof. Diezs group at Rutgers University has developed a small platform for an unmanned aerial and submersible system that it is capable of operating in air and underwater with seamless transition between both mediums. This small platform is currently being optimized by his group for improved (1) control and (2) robustness, and it will be incorporating capabilities to it include (3) communication and (4) navigation under a previous ONR grant with Rutgers. A small vehicle prototype is being developed to demonstrate those four areas. In order to address the mission requirements in N16A-T025, we are proposing to perform a detailed feasibility study that will evaluate if the above platform can be scale up to the mission requirement of carrying a payload of 10-30 pounds. SubUAS LLC was started with the intent to commercialize this disruptive and promising technology.

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Phase I